Due Date Calculator
Am I Pregnant Quiz

Your Baby's Development Calendar

Create a personal pregnancy calendar and track your baby's development.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period and click Create:

Month: Day: Year:


Even though you got pregnant on that day, you were already 2 weeks pregnant. That's because pregnancies are dated from the first day of the last menstrual period.


This is the approximate day of implantation. A few women will notice spotting at this time.

Positive pregnancy test!

This is the day your period was expected. Most women will have a positive home pregnancy test by now.

8 weeks

Your baby is now approximately inch long and weighs less than an ounce. Your first prenatal visit should be within a week or two.

12 weeks

The risk of miscarriage drops dramatically at this point. You may notice that pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness begin to improve. You should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat at your doctor's visit.

16 weeks

This is when the AFP test is done. It is a screening test for Down's Syndrome and spina bifida. Women who are 35 or older may wish to have amniocentesis.

20 weeks

Most women will first feel the baby move between 16 and 20 weeks. It was moving before that, but too small and weak to feel.

24 weeks

The baby weighs more than a pound now and you are noticing movement regularly.

28 weeks

The third trimester is beginning. Your baby weighs about 2 pounds and has a good chance of survival if born at this point.

32 weeks

The baby weighs approximately 4 pounds now. The baby's lungs will mature in the next few weeks so that it is ready to breathe at birth.

36 weeks

Over 95% of babies will be able to breathe on their own if born now. You may notice your that your baby occassionally has the hiccups. You may feel Braxton-Hicks contractions now, painless practice contractions.

Due Date!

Only 16% of babies are actually born on their due date. Most are born between 38-42 weeks.